What should we wear to our photo session??
I always tell Mom to pick out her outfit first and then dress everyone else around YOU! Us Moms tend to be the most self-conscientious so make sure your outfit makes you feel great first, then pick out everyone else's second. Also, think color & texture. You don't all have to be "matchy-matchy" and wear the same colored tops. Pick a few colors as your base then coordinate your outfits around that.

Finally, here's something to think about... where are you going to hang your images? Coordinating what you wear around the room that you're going to hang them in is never a bad idea :)

If you are at all concerned about your family's clothing choice for a photo shoot, please don't hesitate to ask my opinion.

What time of day should we book our session for??
The best time for sessions are in the morning or late afternoon/sunset. If we are shooting at a park location we can be a bit more flexible with the time, but the mornings & evening light is best. Also, if you are considering having your session at Balboa Park then I suggest starting it no later than 9:00, and 8:30 would be preferable. This is the best time of day to shoot there before the park gets crowded and the museum doors (which I like to use as a backdrop) open.

Do you schedule sessions outside of San Diego??
Yes, but there will be an additional charge for mileage & time. The cost varies depending on how far outside of the City of San Diego you'd like for me to travel.